Saturday, December 03, 2005

Drones Minutes: Saturday, December 3, 2005

We talked about:
Possible ramifications a zone change downtown might have.
Assignments read: What five questions ought a person be able to answer in order to be a complete human being?

Mark Knecht
1) He knows his place in the Cosmos-What are the planets of our solar system in order from the Sun outward.
2) He knows where of he speaks-What are the parts of speech and their definitions.
3) He knows how things work-What are the five basic machines.
4) He knows his place before men-Other than Christ, who is the most significant person to have ever lived?
5) He knows why I ask this-What is the Drones Club motto?

Drones Counsel
1) He knows how things work. Thus, he will be able to explain the internal combustion engine at some length, along with all collateral issues such as oil and gasoline production.
2) He knows people. Thus, he will be able to apply the concepts of cost/benefit analysis to every situation.
3) He knows peoples. Thus, he will have a working knowledge of how nations have risen and fallen, especially those of the West.
4) He knows beauty. Thus, he will be able to justify his selection for the greatest poet.
5) Finally, he knows himself. Thus, he will be able to describe, in no uncertain terms, the cut of steak he enjoys and how it is to be prepared. He will not be ashamed of the indulgence.

Roy Knecht
1) What is the difference between men and women?
2) What is humility?
3) Can you keep a secret?
4) Why are the Rolling Stones the greatest Rock and Roll band in the world?
5) How do you live in the now?


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the list from our favorite Drones barrister?

Ignatius Drone (ID hence forth)

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Mark said...

I've amended the minutes.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger B P Singh said...

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Pontiac Starter


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