Drones Meeting: Saturday, February 23, 2008
We talked about: Mark and Fred bet $5 on the election. Fred bet Obama would win, Mark bet McCain would win. What is driving Obama's popularity? Our basic urges-beauty, flesh, power.
A private club for argumentative gentlemen.
We talked about: Mark and Fred bet $5 on the election. Fred bet Obama would win, Mark bet McCain would win. What is driving Obama's popularity? Our basic urges-beauty, flesh, power.
We talked about: How strong is McCain's support in the Republican party? Genuine culture vs affectation culture. What makes a myth?
We talked about: Political crowing and cawing. Fred B's imprecation-"May you be cursed to meet in a field house." Church purchase Q and A encouraged. Roy K suggests a new chant-"O-o-o-o-o-o-bam-a-a-a-a-a-a-a.
We talked about: Political situation and predictions. Steve Wilkins' resignation. What's the greatest historical novel? "Romney will drop out on Wednesday."-Mark Knecht(He dropped out Thursday.).
We talked about: Cell phones-good or bad? Politics. When does a boy become a man, when does a girl become a woman? A man solves his own problems, and takes on responsibilities. "Beware those with a life philosophy."-Greg Botkin.
We talked about: Predictions for the up coming primaries. South Carolina: Bruce-McCain/Obama, Mark-Thompson/Obama, Evan-McCain/Obama, Roy-Romney/Obama, James-McCain/Obama, Brian-Huckabee/Obama Nevada: Bruce-Clinton, Mark-Clinton, Evan-Obama, Roy-Clinton, James-Obama, Brian-Clinton
We talked about: Political favorites. Fred Banks was placed on Probationary Drone status for taking early coffee. The tension between love and freedom, that is, in order to love another does one need to give up a certain amount of freedom? How sure do we need to be of our intel before taking action.
We talked about: Property values and real estate future. The Grandrone declared that henceforth the Drones Year will govern all predictions placed in the Cigar Box of Destiny. The Drones Year is 51 weeks long. It has been declared that the week between the last Saturday of the old year and the first Saturday of the new year does not exist.