Drones Meeting: Saturday, May 30, 2020
We talked about: Riot contingencies. Is cussing a better pressure release than violence? Spaghetti vs Friggin', Dan Damn it. Should we congratulate those who substitute for cussing words?
A private club for argumentative gentlemen.
We talked about: Riot contingencies. Is cussing a better pressure release than violence? Spaghetti vs Friggin', Dan Damn it. Should we congratulate those who substitute for cussing words?
We talked about: Is nudity the natural state of humans? Do we have different modesty standards at home than in public? What % of the Black vote will Trump get? Fred 5%, Evan 20%
We talked about: What is worry? Is it a sin: What makes a sit-com good? Was Andy Griffith the best? Does the great commission apply to all Christians: Restaurants open.
We talked about: Is "I was only following orders." a valid defense? Are corporations and governments moral agents? Is it legitimate for science to skip defining gravity. Is the fact that science can't define gravity evidence of God?