Drones Minutes: Saturday, December 24, 2005
We talked about: Is the phrase "I'm was just kidding." used as a mask for inappropriate behavior? Can our senses be quantified? For example, can we determine if a smell is objectively a 'good' smell? The extent of snooping technology. Evan's dirt collection-what samples would make the cut? Predictions for 2005 will be read next week December 31. Predictions for 2006 will be submitted the following Saturday, January 7. The Grandrone has given grace to Remote Drones by decreeing that predictions for 2006 will be accepted via this blog. If you can not attend on January 7, you may make predictions for 2006 in the 'comments' to this posting or the posting of next Saturday's minutes. They must be recieved early enough that they can be read at the January 7 meeting and they will have to meet all other requirements for Drones predictions.